Please make sure you access our services responsibly during this period of heightened risk.
You should not enter the surgery unless invited strictly by appointment ONLY.
If you need to attract our attention use the bell on the window in the car park or call us 01942 483213.

If you need to drop off a sample please ring the bell for attention on the window in the car park.
ALL Patients will now need to register for online access to order repeat prescriptions online - this is mandatory as it avoids unnecessary person to person contact. If this is really not possible then prescription requests should be placed in the black mail box on the left of the main door - please write these at home to avoid entering the practice. If you forget your own list there are prescription requests just inside the main door and pens that are sanitised.
In all instances, your prescriptions will be sent to Boots, Winstanley for your collection unless you change to another pharmacy by contacting us.
Fit Notes
If self isolating and you employer asks for GP Fit Note follow link & NHS111 will provide. If busy please keep trying
CHILDREN - COVID19 is unlikely to cause a serious illness in children, but please remember children can still become seriously unwell from other causes that are always around. Please do not let concerns over COVID19 stop you from contacting medical services. If you are not sure if your child needs to be seen please go to for advice or contact 111 or your GP.
For information about crying babies go to If your child is severely unwell call 999 or go to ED.
We have a new way of communicating with you through messaging on your phone. We can use this to send you sign up details for online services... just ask.
You may also be invited to join a video conference via your smartphone with an appropriate clinician if deemed appropriate.
There is plenty of advice online for those who can access it. If you know of anyone who is struggling or if you know anyone that is struggling to access services or access our surgery due to disability or learning difficulties please call us and let us know - we will do our utmost to help.
Should you come for an appointment you will need maintain social distancing in the waiting area. Benches have been placed in order to achieve this.
I am due to order prescriptions through my online service but cannot as you have put a hold on some of my meds as they are due for a review. I have tried ringing for two days and cant get through to sort it and am not allowed to come to the surgery. My meds run out in 6 days. What can I do
What if someone has not got a smartphone? Can it done by computer or android tablet too?