Thank you to our colleagues at the West Lancashire Partnership, Dr Ros Bonsor, and West Lancs CCG for compiling this excellent list of resources.

THE West Lancashire Partnership would like to remind residents of West Lancs of the importance of taking care of their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Ros Bonsor, a local GP and mental clinical lead at NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “As we are urged to stay at home as much as possible and work from home if we can, this new world that we find ourselves adjusting to due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is naturally proving to take a strain on not just the physical but also the mental health of everyone.”
But we want to remind everyone that the NHS is here to support you and your mental health and wellbeing, if you are finding that you are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, there is help available for you.”
To support West Lancashire residents to look after their mental health during the pandemic a range of mental health resources are available for all ages from children and young people, to adults. To find out more follow the links below or make a call.
If you’re experiencing stress and anxiety, you can get further information, including how to self-refer to psychological therapies at:
Mental Health Urgent Response Line
An all-ages 24/7 mental health crisis response line is available on 0800 953 0110 – this service is operated by trained mental health professionals who will offer help, advice, mental health assessments, referrals and access to the Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust’s wider mental health services
Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust Mental Health and Wellbeing Helpline
This helpline is run by volunteers and provides a 24/7 listening and support service and is available on 0800 915 4640 or by texting ‘Hello’ to 07860 022 846.
Big White Wall
Big White Wall is a free, online counselling service which is available to anyone aged over 16 who is living with anxiety, depression or other mental health issues.
The service includes trained professionals accessible 24/7, creative tools to express how you’re feeling and self-guided courses. Visit
Children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) are provided by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust and continues to offer appointments both initial assessments and follow up appointments.
In light of the pandemic and to keep both staff and patients safe through social distancing, routine appointments will now be by telephone or Skype where possible, the service can be contacted on 01695 684 262.
Kooth is a safe and anonymous online counselling and support service for young people aged 10 to 16 years old. It provides useful articles, councillors to chat to, community support and journaling. It is available Monday to Friday from midday to 10pm and 6pm until 10pm on Saturday and Sunday.
You can access Kooth here:
For anyone that requires support to help them with their mental health and issues impacting their emotional wellbeing including housing, finance, concerns call 01695 713 248 or email: Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (weekends are dependent upon need).
Age UK
Age UK can help older people who are at home and need a little extra support with their wellbeing. They are available 8am until 7pm, 365 days a year on 0800 678 1602 or online:
Minds Matter
Mindsmatter offer access to a range of brief therapeutic interventions, including online programmes and one-to-one therapy, across our localities to support people’s differing emotional needs. They are available here:
Empower the Invisible Project
For adults who are victims of childhood sexual abuse and are now dealing with the legacy of the trauma. Contact the peer support enquiry line which is open Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm on 0161 241 9469. Further information is available here:
Healthy Young Minds
This useful online resource provided by Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria provides a range of advice, guidance and support related to children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. Access the full range of services here:
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is available for anyone who is subject to physical or mental abuse, they can be contacted on 0808 2000 247.
Phil Winnard, mental health service redesign manager at NHS West Lancashire CCG, said: “In West Lancashire there is a range of mental health support services available for people of all ages, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
These range from primary and secondary care, online and community support. Support is there not only for our community, but also for our keyworker staff who may be finding that the challenges that they now face are taking a toll on their mental health.
“Help is there for you all, please speak up and don’t suffer in silence”.
This message of support for people to protect their mental health, comes as we mark Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place this year from Monday 18 to Sunday 24 May, with this year’s theme focussing around on the subject of ‘kindness’
A full range of all of the mental health resources that are available to people across Lancashire and South Cumbria is available here: